Policy Thrust Of Equityreporters.net

Policy Thrust Of equityreporters.net

Circumstances beyond the Management of equityreporters.ng have compelled it to go for another Website, equityreporters.net.

What happened to equityreporters.ng was basically attributable to inanities of Man. Having overcome the wickedness of man that unwarrantedly constituted himself as an unjustifiable stumbling block, the Management is happy to announce her new Website and Blog, equityreporters.net.

As typical of her Management, equityreporters.net will be guided by dispassionate investigation, truth, equity and fairness.

As a Blog, equityreporters.net will provide timely accurate information, critical analysis in many sectors, including Health, Agriculture, Economy, Education, Culture, Religion, Security, Sports, Transportation, Politics, International Diplomacy, Climate Change, and other critical areas of human endeavour. The Blog will always be at the beck and call of all that desire to know and be properly guided.

Equityreporters.net will, as much as possible, be sensitive to both national and international sensibilities. But will, as a matter of principle, refuse to be dragged into joining issues with individuals or organizations with sinister motives on very many issues.

Individuals or Organisations that may need the services of the Blog in any legitimate form, could reach the Publisher on 08035523360.

The Blog feels morally indebted to Engr Ubani-Don, Chukwuka Immanuel for willingly coming to the rescue of its Management when it was beyond every reasonable doubt that there was a deliberate conspiracy against it.

Sir Don Ubani; KSC, JP
Monday (Eke) 21-10-2024.



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